Incredibly Touching
16 January 2014
Even though I am a massive action movie fanatic, this film was incredible.

It tells the story of a man's brother who, after 2 years of treatment for a brain tumour, is told by doctors that he only has 1 month to live without treatment, and 6-12 months even with. So he decides to take a carpe diem ('seize the day') approach and creates a bucket list. Using his brother's savings, Ross, whilst attempting to complete task #1 on the bucket list - Sleep with a hooker - ends up falling for her, and they go on to get married.

On the road, Seth and his wife Lauren begin to bicker until he is finally talked some sense by his brother Ross.

Shall not give away the ending but it is very touching.

Filming wise, the film is shot in a documentary sort of style which is actually worked very well, but the only criticism I have of this film is that the bucket list could have been a bit more wild.
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