Best make up wasn't even on the zombies of the flick
10 January 2014
I got this movie on a whim. Just wanted to see a zombie flick that had the old school voodoo zombies rather than the viral ones that are all the rage today. The way this movie was made out it sounded like it may be good as they made it out to be quite disturbing on the back of the package and on the description used at amazon. Suffice to say, the only thing really disturbing about this piece is the fact it seems they killed a chicken on screen for the film. The film was very reminiscent of another European horror called Scream and Scream again, in that it had a lot of plot points coming together at the end. This film is a bit easier to follow than that one, but that one was by far a more enjoyable flick.

The story opens up with a couple that are going to rob a tomb. Why? Who knows as these people are just in the film to show us the awesome power of the strange man who can summon the dead to do his bidding. A couple watch a show featuring a man from India showing an audience his ability to control his body. Meanwhile, more killings take place, the female that watched the show is attacked, her father murdered and she goes to the spiritualist's house that also happens to be a place where ritualistic killings were performed in the name of Satan. The killer seems to have a strange motive and is not working alone and the female is falling in love with the spiritualist while her boyfriend tries to find a reason for the killings. He suggests to the police it is voodoo and that they are dealing with zombies and the police are more accepting of this theory than one would think they would be.

Just a bit much going on, but it keeps your brain entertained as they flash here and there throughout the film. About the only thing the film has going for it as the kills are okay and the story falls apart at the end as a character that had not been established at all becomes all to integral to the plot. The lead female is an attractive redhead and is the focus for a lot of the film, but she disappears for a large bit as does the man that was her boyfriend. Meanwhile, I am left wondering what was so shocking about this film? Perhaps it is the fact that the one redhead saw a woman's head fall off and then it is ten minutes later and she is seducing the object of her affection. I did not see that coming, I would think a person's head coming off would put one out of the mood for a bit longer!
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