Just awful...
8 January 2014
Of all the things I expected to feel when I walked out of the cinema after seeing this film, disgusted that I paid money to watch it was not one of them.

No effort has been made to actually make this film any good, or any actual sequel to the first. The writers have just crammed it with as much stuff as they could that made the first film so brilliant, and all they succeeded in doing was making it an overblown, awkward film that leaves you knowing that during every seen they're just trying to force a laugh out of you. Its also been a long time that I was so consciously aware that the actors are just performing lines for a camera, there's nothing natural about any of them. It all feels painfully scripted, all the one liners blatantly placed just to drag a laugh kicking and screaming from your lips.

The last 45 minutes goes off on such a bizarre tangent I honestly had no idea what the hell was going on or what the purpose of any of it was.

Truly disappointed with this film, and incredibly annoyed by the knowledge that it'll be a box office smash purely because the first one is such a legendary film.
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