Bland as ever, just feels like it has no soul
4 January 2014
Well, this is another one of those cheesy animated shows that America put out to get children to read. What do I think of it? It's as bad as all the other shows I reviewed like this. No offense to those that create stuff like this, its good for little kids that have no clue how good movies are made and have pretty much only watched the ones made for them. It's just not made for adults and those that actually know how things should be animated. The characters don't seem to have the charm of the characters in the book that they are trying to portray and feel like cardboard cut outs of generic ideas of the characters. I feel that Mark Twain would have not been proud of this attempt at his book.

The animation is actually alright… when we are watching the still images. When we actually had an animated character on the screen, the animation was really bad. Characters are disproportionate, the movements feel choppy sometimes, and I just don't understand what they tried to do. It just feels like they had a very low budget and didn't take their time to actually work on it.

WHY ARE THEY SINGING? STOP SINGING IN EVERY ANIMATED MOVIE! I hate when the characters just start singing out of the blue. And the songs that they sing just sound really bad or don't have a reason to even be sung. When they talk, it feels stale or like they are reading off the script rather then trying to put their heart into it. All in all, not a very good movie.
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