Review of Eggshells

Eggshells (1969)
For surrealists only
3 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 Blu Ray. I can see why this film didn't get a good release. Not many people wanted to go see a very weird film where weird things happen for no reason.

The film opens with a girl sitting on the back of a pick up as it takes her down the road. Then we cut to her sitting in the park picking at a pimple. And then she's back on the pick up again. She arrives at the town and we see a montage of people protesting and people walking up and down the street. This goes on for 8 minutes and it's like "Okay. Can we move on, please?"

We then cut to the main setting which is a house. We see a paper airplane flying outside the house, it hits the wall and bursts into flames. Why? It's never explained.

Then we have our main characters. The girl in the beginning? Not one of them. We have dialogue scenes where the camera is WAY too close on their faces. Tobe Hooper wanted a documentary feel.

We then cut to more surrealism such as a 5 minute montage of people walking up and down the stairs, a scene where a boy is sword fighting with himself in the basement (the editing is really cool and very clever in that scene), we have scenes where the couples are in the baths talking about...... nothing, a sex scene which is all blurry and all done in quick edits (and the actors have horrid tan lines, ugh.), a scene where a boy follows this girl he fancies into the forest and there's balloons everywhere. He meets up with the girl and she goes with him, despite not knowing who this boy is. And a scene where a man steals his friends' car, drives it out to a field, gets naked, sets a car on fire and it explodes...... all for no reason.

Near the end, one of the couples gets married and we have a montage of the car's POV (which was blown up earlier) driving down the street and into the road all sped up. This scene reminds me of The Naked Gun for some reason.

The film ends with the characters going into the forest building a weird alien like machine, they sit on chairs underneath hairdryers like in a salon. They pull bin bags out of the hairdryers and pull the bags over themselves, the machine connected to the hair dryers sucks them all up and we see blood coming out from the kitchen sink tap of the machine.


If you're one these people who love weird films where things happen for no reason and are never explained why, you'll love this film. Much like Ralph Bakshi's earlier films.

There are creative scenes like the sword fight and the scene where a couple are painting the wall and we cut to them in the bathroom, the man turns on the water and we cut back to the room and the walls fill up with paint combined with the sound of the water. That was really clever. Plus some nice stop motion animation of the stars and rainbow being added on the wall too.

Other than that, Eggshells just isn't my cup of tea. I enjoyed Tobe Hooper's next feature even better.
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