Review of Frozen

Frozen (I) (2013)
Love, hope and faith will save the world.
27 December 2013
No matter what people say about Walt Disney Studio and its production, it is obvious they are the best in everything they do, especially it is refers to the animation. And Frozen is an excellent demonstration to that. Frozen is one of those animated movies that can be attached to the specific season and that leave nobody indifferent after their viewing. In this case Frozen can be seen as a Christmas movie because the story takes place in winter (I don't think this animation would be that popular in summer or autumn), and winter, as we know, is usually associated with Christmas time. Moreover, while watching it you have this feeling of Christmas miracle that something good is about to happen, there is some kind of hope for the better, let's say.

The plot of this movie is not that complex. There are two sisters: Elsa, elder sister gifted with icy powers, and Anna, younger sister but with no magic powers. Elsa tries to hide her magic abilities not only from other people, but mostly from her sister because when the girls were children, Elsa almost killed Anna with her powers. But Elsa's attempts to keep her secret safe fail after all. And in order not to hurt anyone she runs away and creates her own icy kingdom. But she even doesn't suspect that when she left her native city where it was summer suddenly becomes covered by snow and icy and it's getting colder and colder there. Anna thinks it is her fault that Elsa revealed her secret and she also believes the only way to stop the winter is to get back Elsa. So, Anna goes in search of her elder sister. During her adventure she meets her real love, rude mountain guy Kristoff who was raised by trolls and whose best friend is a funny reindeer Sven. Later they meet Olaf, snowman created by Elsa. All together they try to find Elsa and stop the winter.

Of course, there are some obstacles on their way that they must overcome to achieve their goal. Some of those trials are funny, even hilarious, but some of them are dramatic. I guess the most memorable moment is when Anna meets Kristoff. They don't get on well at first, there are some disputes between then, but then things turn different. Besides, all along the story there are lots of hilarious situations where Olaf is involved. I guess he and his future friend Sven lessen a bit the tension that from time to time appears in the movie. In my opinion, without them the movie wouldn't be that interesting and enjoyable.

Like any other movie Frozen also has some points that I didn't like. The main of them is that there are too many songs performed by the main characters. Sometimes I even thought that it was a musical.

Another interesting moment is that while I was watching this movie, I remembered a Danish animated movie called Snow Queen by G.H. Anderson that has practically similar story line. There are two kids – Kai and Gerda. One day Kai was kidnapped by Snow Queen and Gerda went in search of her friend who by that time became frozen. Gerda also had to overcome a lot of difficulties in order to find Kai. But she did it. I can say that the red line of both movies is that real love, hope and faith will help to overcome any life obstacles and will save the world from becoming frozen.

So, in general Frozen is a great movie that has a nice story. If one of the winter evenings you want to relax and see cute characters, so go and watch Frozen. I guarantee you will enjoy it!
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