Lots of fun, and looks gorgeous
3 December 2013
I happened upon Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries quite by accident. I'd never read (or even heard of) the books, but the programme drew me in, and is now one of my favourites. It's set in 1920s Melbourne, and although as the title says, each episode is concerned with a murder, it's lots of fun, and not too gory at all. Because of the time it is set in, there are no sophisticated forensic techniques to be handily applied to push the story forward (such as in CSI and numerous of its copies). It's basically good old sleuthing by Phryne Fisher and Inspector Jack Robinson. I love Essie Davis and Nathan Page as Phryne and Jack - the chemistry between them is almost palpable.

The period is reproduced beautifully, and the programme is simply gorgeous to look at. (I covet Phryne's wardrobe with every episode that I watch!) I also really enjoy Phryne's maid and friend Dot, and Jack's constable Hugh. who ably help them in their crime-solving.

It's great to see a series with such a strong, intelligent and independent female lead, and Davis plays the character wonderfully.

I would definitely recommend this series to any fans of period drama or crime drama, especially if you like a dash of playfulness added to your viewing!
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