Good Movie
2 December 2013
Totally believable...I live in S.W. New Mexico and the population density here is sparse, to say the least. Good story line, fine acting, no profanity (o.k. he does say 'crap' but they work for station K-RAP for heaven's sakes). I can recommend this movie to anyone.

This movie is of the boy-meets-girl variety and manages to hold one's interest from start to finish. The support actors are a bit above Night of the Living Dead quality and certainly add to the simple charm of the movie. Several sub-plots are present to give the movie some depth and the setting has plenty of charm.

(Note: Early in the movie Jack should have asked Dr. Hartford if she used the same NNCL for selecting a car that she advocated for selecting a boy friend. During her radio broadcast she suggested that normal folks used better sense in selecting an automobile than they used selecting a mate. Possibly Dr. Hartford's auto troubles were put there for a reason.)
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