Breaking Bad: Abiquiu (2010)
Season 3, Episode 11
24 November 2013
"Abiquiu" is Breaking Bad's third filler episode in a row, so I guess you can't even call it that anymore, can you? Anyway, this weirdly titled episode seems more concerned with the introduction of an unnecessary character than with actually getting the series in the direction of a good series finale. Here's why I continued to not like Breaking Bad at that point:

As Skyler unexpectedly interferes in Walt's business, she meets his lawyer Saul Goodman which serves for an amusing five minutes. Besides that though, her involvement seems a bit out of the blue and changed some character traits of hers. Walt is the complete background man this time around and has inexplicably lost the paranoid side of his he had just one episode ago, while Bob Odenkirk did a great job as Saul as always, but still couldn't make me enjoy the scenes they shared. The more interesting part for a lot of people was Jesse's arc, in which he encounters a new girl and starts a strange relationship with her, following from his initial attempt to sell meth to her. I personally was very bored by these scenes and not even the aha moment at the end could really impress me.

The only parts I considered to be outstanding in "Abiquiu" were the short but well-filmed meth cooking and, more importantly, Walt visiting his boss Gus at his nicely decorated bourgeois home and the two sharing the most homo-erotic moment in the series together. Giancarlo Esposito is Emmy-worthy as always and was even more fun to watch than usual, while their conversation topic could've been a tad more appealing.
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