Living in a Stooges Way
17 November 2013
Charley wants to marry Iris Meredith -- I guess his regular Columbia co-star, Ann Doran, was busy -- but her father, philatelist Bud Jamison, insists that Charley get a rare pigeon stamp from Pidgemania first. The hijinks that ensue are far more typical of the Stooges than Charley's work, but Chase could do just about anything in film comedy. In fact, once you accept the premise, the film even makes sense, although why Iris Meredith wants to marry Charley in this mode is beyond me.

This was Chase's last season of work. He would die soon after, in no small part because he had drunk himself to death. While working, though, he was always professional and generous to his co-workers -- the biggest laughs here are given to other performers while Charley does big reactions -- although he once dressed down a performer who was not prepared for his role.

Although this is the weakest of Chase's three appearances in 1940, it is very amusing. Heck, you might prefer its reliance on Stooge-style logic. They have a lot more fans than Charley.
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