Danger Man: The Girl in Pink Pajamas (1960)
Season 1, Episode 6
Well done...and with an impressive finish.
26 October 2013
While in the field, Drake (Patrick McGoohan) receives a message informing him that he's on a new case. An amnesia victim has been discovered nearby who cannot remember much BUT she keeps talking about a hospital which is also nearby--and where a world leader is about to undergo surgery. Drake's job is to interview the woman, determine if a real threat exists AND uncover the conspiracy if there is one.

While I hate stories that rely on amnesia (an overused concept since it is relatively rare), this one went very well. Once again, the acting and writing are very nice and the program works in the half-hour format. What I particularly liked was the ending. While Drake rarely uses a gun and often solves problems without violence, here he is a real he-stud--taking on three evil doers at a time and bluffing in order to solve the case. An action-packed and interesting episode. Plus, I kind of liked the 'Good Samaritan' character, as she was simply awful--and rather funny.
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