Nailed (2001)
An awesome film
5 October 2013
I just watched this movie (12 years after its release) because I am focusing on Harvey Keitel and his performances throughout his career. I believe it is his best.

I agree that Brad Rowe's character was underdeveloped; I couldn't understand his motivation (or lack of) for any of his life-choices. Regardless... the movie was about dysfunction, and I can't believe none of the other reviewers commented on that. I hit me square in the face.

Yes, the main character assigned the title "dysfunction" in this movie has emotional issues. That is clear. But, what kind of father rants and raves when his grown son doesn't act according to his own plans for that son? What kind of father promises love and devotion, then takes it away, then gives it back again, then takes it away again, then gives it back again?

What kind of father yells and calls his grown son names, flies across the country and shows up unannounced to visit his son and "inspect" his future daughter-in-law under the pretension of wanting to "get to know her"... without letting his wife know he has gone until he returns at the end of the day? What kind of father (or family) belittles a potential new addition to their family before meeting her, then makes judgments and issues condemnations of that person because she doesn't behave according to their own expectations?

A dysfunctional, tyrannical, paranoid, self-absorbed father (and family)... that is who!

There is no better way to make a person feel like an outsider than to whisper negative and snide comments about them behind their back. I don't blame Rachael Blanchard's character for flinching when her potential mother-in-law reaches out to touch her; she's not sure she's in "safe" territory.

And, her adult fiancé is unable defend his position against his family's pressures and emotional manipulation. He's absolutely ineffective. I was sad about her poor decision to leave her child with such a family.

This movie is not about "how to be a father"... it is about how NOT to be father! That no one else picks up on this is what's wrong with society today.

Again... Harvey Keitels performance was his best. He made me hate his character, and glad I am not part of a family like his!
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