Pretty nifty for one of Jackie's Kung-Fu cheapies, it has some pretty good fight scenes to keep you entertained
28 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
(Partial credit to IMDb) Jackie witnesses the death of his father, at the hands of a merciless killer, who just happens to be a martial arts master. Jackie vows to never speak again until he avenges the death of his Father, and become a Shaolin Monk. He encounters many kooky characters along the way, and befriends them. They all teach him different aspects of Kung-Fu (Drunken, killing, slippery snake, and more)

I wouldn't exactly call this movie great entertainment, but it does manage to entertain for the most part. Right from the outset of the movie we are treated to rather lengthy fight sequences. The plot is nothing special. It's the typical "train me Fung-Fu" type of thing at this juncture, with plenty of slapstick involving the token drunk, among other things. The Wooden Men thing is more than just a gimmick. It acts as an insurmountable obstacle, no matter how great your Kung-Fu is. I won't spoil it, but the one involving Jackie Chan & The Wooden Men is absolutely exhilarating! I would consider it to be a fight sequence, essentially, and it's one of the greatest fight scenes I've ever witnessed in all my years of watching martial art films. Jackie's ability to move out of the way of these things countless times, time and time again is incredible. It's one of the coolest athletic feats i've ever seen. Jackie Chan has barely any dialog, as a matter of fact… He doesn't speak until the very end of the film (!) He is a mute for most of the duration, to sell the death of his Father. It's kinda hard to grade his performance because of it, but Jackie's presence can't be denied. He could peel a potato for an hour, and I'd probably be interested in all likelihood. The big fight at the end is also very enthralling. I wouldn't call this one of Jackie's best films, but its entertainment value is unequivocally high. If you manage to find it, and you're a big Jackie Chan fan, I definitely recommend seeing this movie. It's a thoroughly enjoyable, cheapie.

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