Zebraman (2004)
Keep Zebras off the streets and in the zoo!
26 September 2013
I'd heard about this film a long time ago and had waited eagerly for a chance to watch it.

The premise - a school teacher turning into the TV "Power Ranger" he idolised as a kid, to fight off invading aliens - sounded ideal for a camp, wide-audience genre spoof, but oh man, did it suck.

20 minutes into this, you may start to wonder if someone had access to some old Kamen Rider props, scrawled a plot on a napkin during lunch and said to their mates, "Let's make a film!"

The fact that Miike has such a big cult following (I'm a big fan of a lot of his work... even if I've only seen around 50% of it!) is most likely what drew attention to this disaster in the first place, but does give a valuable lesson to wannabe film-makers in: DO NOT SHOOT YOUR FIRST DRAFT.

If only this unfocused mess of a story had a little bit more time put into it... if the characters drew the viewer in only a little, it may have lived up to its cool premise, but instead, I couldn't bear it any longer after a painful 45 minutes of hoping it would get better and had to turn it off.

A true stinker to avoid.
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