Review of Cold Eyes

Cold Eyes (2013)
A Taut and Tense thriller- Perfectly Crafted and Well Acted.
23 September 2013
"Cold Eyes" is a new thriller and we can pronounce South Korean mastery in thriller genre.

An elite Korean police surveillance unit, led by Hwang Sang-jun/Falcon (Seol Kyung-gu), is after an ace gang of robbers led by James (Jung Woo-sung). At the same time, rookie Ha Yoon-ju/Piglet (Han Hyo-joo) joins the surveillance unit and needs to learn how to fit in.

"Cold Eyes" is a taut, proficient and tense thriller. It delivers every minute detail of the surveillance team, and we are in sync with main characters and their competencies. Everything we need to know about them for the story is mostly presented through how they do their jobs, and most of them are smart and resourceful enough to be the competent players of their crafts. In their intense battle of wits, a trivial thing noticed in one situation can be a crucial chance for reversal in the other circumstance later, and, like many good thrillers, that makes us constantly anxious about what will happen next.

The movie draws our attention from the beginning with its terrific opening sequence introducing its main characters as also subtly signaling to us that something is going on under the surface. We initially see a young woman in the subway that seems to be on some clandestine mission, and we also notice an ordinary-looking middle-aged man in the same subway car. Both are very watchful about their surroundings, but they are also very, very careful about being not noticed by others – and each other, perhaps.

"Cold Eyes" is the remake of Hong Kong thriller "Eye in the Sky (2007)" produced by Johnnie To, and he also has a cameo. "Cold Eyes" is a perfect remake with genuine South Korean style and substance.

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