The title actually says it all...
15 September 2013
This was indeed a zombie nightmare! Being a zombie fan, then I basically devour (no pun intended) just about anything with zombies. Usually what is unearthed is bad, which is a shame, because the zombie genre is flooded with releases that are unwatchable and laughable attempts at being movies.

Such was also the case with "Zombie Nightmare". In fact, it was actually so bad that I had to turn it off, and didn't make it through to the end.

The story in the movie is about a group of young kids who accidentally run down young aspiring baseball guy. Without stopping to check if he is alright, the group just speeds off into the night. Griefstruck, the mother of the victim gets help from a voodoo woman, who brings back the dead son from the dead. He returns as an reanimated zombie who sets out to seek revenge on those who killed him.

It was hard to believe that this movie was from 1987, because it just screamed late 70's or early 80's production and movie-making.

The acting in the movie was actually fair enough, though there was nothing impressive to behold here. And I don't got to see Adam West, because I gave up on the movie before he entered the movie (or at least I didn't notice him).

"Zombie Nightmare" is so cheesy, campy and bad that it is bound to give you a zombie nightmare indeed if you manage to stick with it to the very end.
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