Review of Pandemonium

Pandemonium (1982)
After 30 years of only hearing of it, I'm very glad to finally see Pandemonium
12 September 2013
Since today is Thursday, September 12, I thought I'd watch a movie I knew was originally was supposed to be called Thursday the 12th. This was a horror spoof I remembered being promoted on HBO back in the early '80s but for some reason, I didn't get to see this until now on YouTube which retained the original HBO "feature presentation" opening sequence from that time. Anyway, it opens with a football game from 1963 where a murder happens afterwards, then goes to 19 years later when some others will take place. I'll stop there and just say this was very funny to see perhaps because of the way many horror movie references were used to comic effect and the way the performances were gleefully over-the-top the whole time. Depending on your familiarity of many movies and TV shows, you may also get a hoot of how many of the players were recognizable though I was surprised one of them, Phil Hartman, was so small in screen time. I did know he was an associate of another player here-Paul Reubens, best known as Pee Wee Herman-and he hadn't had his big break on "Saturday Night Live" yet so that was probably why his was just a cameo. Anyway, on that note, I highly recommend Pandemonium.
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