Fawlty Towers (1975–1979)
I don't get it
11 September 2013
I understand that this is supposed to be a classic show. I also understand that a lot of Monthy Python fans are hooked to this. I even understand the people who will be clicking the NO button down there when asked if they found this review helpful.

I just don't get this show.

Granted, some people might find certain situations in the series funny. I can't really say that I do. I didn't laugh with this show, I barely smiled. Maybe I don't get British "humor". Odd, though, because I kind of like the original "The Office". And I can see how some people wouldn't think that is a very funny show at all. However, I can find dark humor funny. Normal comedy that is not funny... well, that, I don't get.

Still, I suppose it doesn't matter what I say, this will continue to be a cult series. Same goes for all with Monty Phyton stamped on it. I'm just not a Python person, I'm afraid.

Although, I can see bad acting when it's in front of me. And Fawlty has plenty. Perhaps Cleese could have done something for this show if he would have been surrounded by a better cast.

I'm giving this a 4 instead of a 3 due to the "Classic/cult" status.
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