Road to Hell (2008)
Might be the worst movie ever made
10 September 2013
I have seen a lot of terrible movies, but this movie is a close contender for the worst movie of all time. It's even worse than Batman and Robin, and I don't say that lightly. This movie literally made me want to rip out my own eyes. We were screaming at the screen: "End! Please roll credits! For the love of God, please end!" And it kept going and going. It is entirely shot in front of a green screen, and no attempts were made to find a real desert (like some sand and some rocks are hard to find!). No attempts were also made to make anything look convincing, such as turning on a fan so the hair of the actors is at least moving while they are driving in an open car. It drags on and on, with very little story to speak of, and yet endless exposition delivered in the worst way possible. It's all carried by awful mellow rock songs, and keeps going and going. And just when you think the movie is over, it gives you yet more terrible songs you have to sit through. Roll those credits already! How is this movie getting such great reviews? Am I even on the right planet here? This movie is horrendous!
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