Dead Mine (2012)
It started out great, but flopped tremendously...
7 September 2013
I remember the first time I saw the poster for this movie, and I decided to stay clear of the movie, believing it to be something in the likes of the "Chernobyl Diaries" movie also from 2012, as the poster is much alike, and that "Chernobyl Diaries" movie was just abysmal.

Then come 2013 and I found out that Joe Taslim is in this movie, so my interest was instantly caught, and I decided to give the movie a go regardless of prior assumptions.

And now having seen it, I sit here with a really bad taste in my mouth. The movie starts out well enough, but then it just peaks and becomes too much, and the movie just spiraled out of control and everything just fell to the floor.

The story is about a group of hired soldiers led by a treasure hunter to seek out the fabled Yamashita's Gold treasure. As the group becomes trapped inside an old mine dating back to World War II, they quickly figure out that they are not alone in the dark mine.

Right, well the story did have potential to be interesting and it did start out well enough and promising enough. But then suddenly after the first revealings of what has been lurking around in the long-abandoned mine, then suddenly director Steven Sheil decided to throw in three squads of what I assume to be reanimated dead Japanese Bushido samurai warriors. And that is when the line snapped for the movie. Once these were introduced, the movie just went from an adequate action horror movie to a laughable attempt at an action horror movie. It was just awful and abysmal to witness. These animated samurai warriors totally killed any shred of enjoyment and entertainment that the movie had.

As for the acting, then people were doing good enough jobs with their given roles. And as I mentioned earlier, then it was because of Joe Taslim that I decided to give this movie a chance. Unfortunately his role wasn't all that big, much to my disappointment.

It should be said that the movie actually does fare well on the effects and creature make-up department. Thumbs up for that, at least.

I supposed this abandoned mine should never have been opened, and then at least I wouldn't have wasted 87 minutes watching it.
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