Review of Demonia

Demonia (1990)
3 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is such an unimpressive movie from Lucio Fulci. It's one of the more difficult to find, being somewhere after his golden years, but before his TV series flops, but it's not worth hunting down a copy.

The plot concerns atrocities that happen in a convent many years ago, in which some seemingly evil nuns are brutally executed and crucified. These past horrors come to light (again) in modern times when a long sealed ancient church vault is opened up by a young researcher.

The film has a very slight plot, and doesn't do well with it. The film is shot almost entirely in soft, fuzzy focus, with light leaking all over the place, which is very annoying, even if it is (presumably) intentional. The story seems to vaguely show it's lead heroine, played by Meg Register, being possessed by the long dead evil nuns and taking revenge on various members of the village, but none of this is clear. The sealed chamber of crucified nuns looks good when first glimpsed, but the rotting bodies appear and disappear sporadically, and Meg Register briefly flits between looking like herself, and transforming into one of the evil nuns, all of which is presumably intended to generate fear, but which fails miserably.

Various murders take place. Because this is a Fulci film, and people want to know, I am going to tell you what happens - but this obviously means SPOILERS... One guy gets stabbed and his head ends up being pulled out of the water on an anchor (?) Another lady, a sort of psychic, get's attacked by her own cats who pull her eyes out. Looks very fake. Another man is attacked by slabs of meat hanging in a freezer. He only had to leave the freezer, but he doesn't. After some meat bashing, he collapses onto a table and someone pulls out his tongue and nails it to the table. as you do. The final murder is the best, worst and most bizarre at the same time. A young couple lose their son, and the father searches a forest for him. he catches a glimpse of the boy being dragged off by a nun! Then suddenly - the father is strung upside down in a kind of trap! How? The son trips on a wire and the father's whole body is split into two halves! This is REALLY badly done, the fakeness is extremely obvious. It's still rather disgusting though. That's it for the main gore.

Eventually the film limps to a close as the villagers invade the sealed up crypt, and in a feeble ending they confront the ancient evil. Boring, boring, boring. Please don't be encouraged to seek this out based on the descriptions of gore I have detailed above. They are all laughable and do not rescue the film from being extremely lame. A sad entry in the late career of Fulci. Not as bad as his TV efforts, but worse than "Manhattan Baby", and that's saying something
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