Incomprehensible Mess Released Simply to Grab More Money- and YES, I've seen the whole TV series!
21 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers

AS A MOVIE, this is simply GODAWFUL.

(YES, I have seen the entire TV series, which I considered quite good overall.)

This movie was slapped together with zero thought, effort, or money, and was released ONLY to GET MORE CASH. NO other reason.

As far as I can tell, the first 2/3's of the movie is simply an incomprehensible mishmash of sections of the TV anime series randomly strung together.

I am NOT joking!

A section from the end of the TV series will be followed with a section from the beginning, then the middle, in a nonsensical way without rhyme or reason.

One scene from the series, was split into two or three different parts spread out through the movie, with them trying to pretend that it was a different scene, every time! (Since I've seen the entire TV series, YES, I understood completely WHERE each scene was taken from, and what it's importance was within the TV series, BUT, the way it was edited together for the movie, made no sense whatsoever!)

Robot battles would erupt with no reason, and end. A scene would occur BEFORE a required scene setting it up; which would only show up later.

The last third is the first actual new stuff (Yes, yes, some die hard fan will point out that maybe a couple of minutes of new stuff was added to the first 2/3's of the movie, to which I say, so what? The extra couple of minutes added NOTHING.)

Now the LAST third, the new material, was almost watchable. HOWEVER, the movie ABRUPTLY ends, right in the middle of a scene, with no resolution of any kind, NOTHING! Just BLAM!, over! (presumably because they were too cheap to add any more.)

AND, since the cheapskate, lazy, tightwads that put this garbage together, completely REPEAT this NEW section IN IT'S ENTIRETY, as the beginning third of the next movie, "The End of Evangelion", you don't even need to watch that part!

So the final word?

Watch the complete TV series, "Neon Genesis Evangelion". (WARNING: Many people don't like the ending of the TV series "Neon Genesis Evangelion".)

SKIP the incomprehensible garbage money grubbing movie "Evangelion: Death and Rebirth".

THEN, watch the movie "The End of Evangelion". (WARNING: Many people don't like the ending of the movie "The End of Evangelion".)

I GUARANTEE, you WON'T miss anything worth watching. You'll save yourself from watching endless, cheapskate, lazy repetition after repetition with no point whatsoever (except to make the lazy, greedy filmmakers extra money).

DON'T believe the people who say that this movie is too complex to follow without having watched the TV series. That is absurd nonsense. I think they're only saying that to sucker more people into watching this garbage, along with them.

Don't be suckered in!

My 2¢ worth.

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