Behemoth (2011 TV Movie)
It was a good enough attempt, but...
19 August 2013
The DVD cover for this movie does look quite nice, and it does reflect the movie, in a sense. By that, I mean the monster is there, yes, the people are there, yes, but that level of danger and life-threatening situation never was present in the entire movie.

The story in "Behemoth" is about a small town that is located in the mountains, where they always have experiences small trembles in the ground. However, recently these tremblings have grown in intensity and frequency, and fissures of carbon monoxide is starting to appear throughout the mountains. Something has awoken beneath the mountains, and people are about to find out.

Storywise, then this is a standard monster movie by the run-of-the-mill given this is a SyFy Channel movie. So, if you are familiar with their movies, then you know exactly what you will get here.

The creature itself actually looked good and was nicely animated; good CGI effects and it came off as believable - well aside from its sheer size.

There were some really bad plot holes in this movie. First of all, where would a creature of this size have been lurking underneath the ground? It just doesn't make any sense for it to never have been detected before. And also, given the size of its body, just what would it have been eating and sustaining itself by? It just doesn't add up anywhere. Furthermore, the military had no idea what they were dealing here, but still they had managed to build a weapon to destroy it and knew that it was the ONLY thing that could destroy it. So the military works by psychics now? And finally, why would the Behemoth, with its massive size, be concerned about eliminating a few pesky humans on the mountain? Surely it wouldn't even notice them, much less bother with them as humans would be insignificant gnats in comparison to its bulk and size.

And throughout the entire movie, there weren't really any moments where you felt that anyone was at risk or in danger in any kind of way. The was no proper atmosphere to the movie, or at least the director failed to establish such a feeling.

As for the people on the cast list, well they were doing good enough jobs, however, there were times where the acting came off as wooden and simply not believable. Especially when confronted with the revealing of the Behemoth - there weren't just any sense of dread or hopelessness. It was just like they were 'ah so what, this happens every day in USA' and just shrugged it off. I am pretty sure that a mountain-sized tentacled monster would install a paralyzing fear in most people, or at least send them fleeing for their very lives.

"Behemoth" is good enough entertainment for what it is, a simplistic monster movie that is predictable and follows the 'how to make a gargantuan monster movie' page-by-page.

I am rating the movie a 4 out of 10 stars simply because of the creature effects - it was the one that carried the bulk of the movie, in more than one way, pardon the pun.
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