Well executed mob flick
18 August 2013
Sean Young makes a big comeback in this modest indie-mob picture. Without spoiling in anything, the plot is a simple revenge tale with enough fist-clinching moments to keep any fan of the genre satiated. Antonia Albano is one of those antihero characters that make this sort of movie enjoyable to watch on every level. She whacks her enemies with impunity and a bit of devilish pleasure to boot. Sean's performance is very even toned throughout but is balanced with some needed moments of feminine vulnerability -- this makes her very likable.

The supporting cast, including Russ Camarda, Gianni Russo, Jackie Martling, and Tony Lo Bianco all give well-rounded depth to their characters. Oddly, the best aspect of the film are the VERY believable "wise-guy" characters that appear throughout.

All-in-all, Send No Flowers is absolutely worth seeing.
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