Troll movie
4 August 2013
Well, I'm not a filmmaker but I'm pretty sure this has got to be technically one of the worst movies ever made.

Although I think the 1st one is actually a pretty decent movie with a good mystery plot and a good opinion on a faithless preacher, this sequel seems more like a troll movie they released just to laugh at how many people would actually pay to watch this lazy piece of work.

It is like they only had a loose idea on the plot and just decided to fill in some random scenes until they achieved 90min of footage. There are many scenes which just doesn't make any sense followed one by another, and when you see a horror movie trying to scare you with a barking dog in a daylight street scene, you know you've reached a new low standard.

Its pretty sad to see movies this bad being released. This seriously shouldn't even be considered "professional work". Don't waste time with this movie.
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