Voice of Reason.
14 July 2013
I saw the film. I won't say that it is the best film ever written, but it was a decent film. In this complicated world, logic and reason don't always prevail in matters of love and lust. That is what Tyler Perry attempts to show. We are all human, and susceptible to fall into Temptation, whether that temptation is an addiction to sex, alcohol, drugs, work, dangerous activities, etc. Finding a happy medium is hard to achieve, and that was what was missing in this movie for me. The main character never found that or herself. She became broken, and remained that way. Also, why couldn't her and husband stay together (since he loved her so much) even though she was HIV+. There are women who have HIV, and there partners remain HIV-. Heck they even have babies. I applaud Perry for continually introducing the subject matter of HIV (which is perhaps the reason why so many people (black and white) hate his movies), but he is in need of education himself. I did take away a lot from this storyline, and it appeals to women who find themselves intrigued by men who they know or have reason to know that a particular guy is no good, but they still date or marry them. It is a powerful lesson about what love really is. That is what I took away from this film. For those women who were smart enough to marry the average joe/nerd who loves them and only them, kudos to you! But, there are women who struggle in finding love, and for those women please take heed to this story (not the story itself, but the message!)
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