The Taint (2011)
The Taint is AWESOME
3 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In recent years, the trend of grindhouse revivalism has spread like wildfire throughout the fringes of the film industry. It seems like, since the Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez anthology film "Grindhouse" brought the term, and the style, back into view, contemporary takes on the cheesy, over-the-top spectacle of the midnite-movie fare of the 1970s and 80s have begun popping up with an increased frequency. This new crop of grindhouse features differs from the old guard--low-budget limitations have been augmented by a deliberate tongue-in-cheek attitude, a knowing irony that deconstructs the style as it lovingly pays homage. Sometimes, this knowing irony falls flat, becoming too self-aware and too self-referential to be funny--but in the best cases, it only improves the film in question, adding a deep dimension of comedy to the surface, creating greater capacity for laughs and spectacle than even the heights of the style's original peak period.

The Taint, directed by Dan Nelson and Drew Bolduc and distributed by Troma Entertainment, is a great representation of when this type of film is done right. With a plot that lends itself to untold hilarious possibilities (it envisions a society in which men have turned into twisted, misogynistic barbarians by way of a taint in the water supply,) some very clever writing, deliberately over-the-top scenarios, and aesthetic sensibilities that update the exploitation-shockers of old without appearing trite or handed-down, The Taint is an incredibly solid seventy minutes of tight, campy fun. It has humor that's as dirty as it is clever, imagery that's as shocking as it is hysterical, practical effects that amaze with their ingenuity, and an atmosphere that stays fresh and original even while putting its influences on display. With appropriately-tasteless male nudity, and plenty of blood and guts on display, it's certainly not for the faint-of-heart, but for lovers of modern grindhouse reinventions along the lines of Hanger, Hobo With a Shotgun or Father's Day, it's definitely a treat to watch. It may not appeal to most viewers out there, but if you're looking for some tasteless schlock that's surprisingly intelligent and extremely funny, The Taint comes highly recommended.
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