As bad as it's possible to get
20 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Holy hell, this just might be the most tedious movie ever made. Stunningly wooden performances, incomprehensible logic, a hero so incompetent he manages to get himself and the alleged love interest gunned down in the act of failing to attach a bomb that Wile E Coyote would sneer at to the one rocket the cardboard Russians manage to build.... the whole thing topped off with a portentous voice-over that constantly intrudes to tell us what the characters are doing, as they're in the midst of doing it.... all to tell us the story of how the Russians were secretly building a brand new terror-weapon that the Germans had successfully built and used a decade previously.

You know a movie's bad when even the MST3K crew struggle to make enough fun of it. When they actively complain about how bored *they* are, it's a World Champion Stinker.
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