Eclectic Movie
12 June 2013
This movie has something for every taste and could fall into several classifications. In addition to the website heading of Drama, Thriller and War it could also be a Comedy, Adventure or even a Film Noir. It is very entertaining and characteristically well done under the Launder-Gilliat banner.

I think, though, that it could have a higher rating if it could have decided exactly which genre it should fall under. It is an absorbing picture until, at a very inopportune moment it decides to inject a bit of humor into a scene, thereby killing the mood as well as the tension. I wished it had taken itself seriously as it could have been and excellent WWII spy picture. As is, it is a good enough as a comedy/drama which goes about its business with tongue firmly planted in cheek.

Deborah Kerr is the central character as Bridie Quilty, an idealistic Irish lass who wants to work for the IRA. She carries the picture and Trevor Howard along with her. There is also a wonderful cast of supporting actors who boost the proceedings immeasurably, and I wonder if some are from Dublin's Abbey Theatre, so capable are they in their roles. No other complaints, and I would recommend it to film fans who enjoy a potpourri of genres in their movies.
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