After Earth (2013)
good, enjoyable, but lacking something
12 June 2013
I did enjoy the film very much, i thought it was action filled and the idea for the film was a very good one. It kept me entertained for the full time and left an enigma as it was quite difficult to predict how it was going to end. Although the plot seems somewhat thin and it just seems to be missing that something special; although i enjoyed will smiths performance as the cold disciplined father figure. I thought Jaiden smith did well in the circumstances as he was almost the only active character throughout the film. I also feel that the film did not have enough background and more background knowledge would've enhanced the experience. Also the film ended before they got back to there home, i dislike it when this happens and these sort of endings are never fulfilling. Also i believe that it was fairly graphic for a 12A and would not recommend to younger viewers.
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