Stand Up Guys (2012)
Light comedy with heart
11 June 2013
If you've seen the trailer you know most of the plot. Pacino's Val is released from prison after 28 years. He's welcomed by his buddy Doc (Walken) who was part of his criminal team. But Doc has orders from some mean boss named Claphands to kill Val by the next day or else they'll go after Doc's granddaughter. It turns out that in some shootout one of Val's bullets killed one of Claphands' sons.

And at first it's all fun and games. Doc takes Val to see a hooker, to party, do drugs, dance, drink, they steal a car from some bad guys, etc. The good deed of the day comes when they decide to avenge some girl that was held captive in the trunk of the Challenger they stole. But Val knows how his day will end and has resigned himself to his fate. When they run into the daughter of their third teammate, Hirsch, the driver, they decide to free him for from a convalescent hospital for a night of fun.

The question remains, will or won't Doc kill his only friend; how and when. Doc also has a soft spot for a cute young waitress at a diner he visits every day. We also learn more about her.

Stand Up Guys starts out pretty funny. Pacino delivers as always. Walken is a bit stiff and of few words, but then what can he do when his character is put in such a dilemma. Things go downhill when Hirsch is introduced. He's a mean old guy, and they rehash they same situations that we just saw Val go through- visiting the prostitutes, the car with keyless ignition. The Hirsch character really works only for two jokes or so. As with all comedies, this one also has a lot of heart and some tender moments. And you really can't go wrong with Pacino and Walken
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