Stevie TV (2012– )
Only a couple shows in my LIFETIME have been this bad!!
30 May 2013
This show is just god awful. I was watching it, actually really surprised at how bad it was. That has only happened to me a couple of times in my life, where I am watching something that is just SUCH a trainwreck that it's hard to believe. I cant even really understand how it is so bad! How does no one realize?? It is basically one of those horrible youtube weekly shows by a random person who wants a lot of subscribers on youtube/facebook/etc. trying to be really funny with horrible acting, pop culture references, and jokes that are so immature, slapsticky, and one dimensional. It's just, look I'm acting like this person and I'm so dumb and silly. There is absolutely nothing clever, or things that make you think and say "that's so true", or anything past watching with your brain turned off. It's usually making fun of terrible reality shows with TV stars, but this show is far worse than theirs. I couldn't tell if this show was real, or a mockery of the terrible sketch shows that have come out since Chappelle's Show. Honestly, you might want to watch an episode just to see how bad it truly is. There's bad, and then there's oh my god this is so embarrassing and cringe-worthy bad. This is the latter; this is the "yo babe, come look at how BAD this is! Oh my god it's making me CRINGE!" bad. I never even wrote a review on here before, but I just saw a commercial for season two and I thought "what the?" and had to leave a review. How VH1 doesn't realize this is the absolute worst show on television is beyond me, but I guess no one cared enough to vocalize that it should be off the air.
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