Review of E.B.E.

The X-Files: E.B.E. (1994)
Season 1, Episode 17
The hoax
19 May 2013
Now this is a turning point.

Previously, the pair of detectives had all sorts of close encounters with strange phenomena, with sundry evidence establishing proof. This is complicated here. We have the usual conspiracy and cover-up by secret government, but also we have doctored evidence, and even a whole close encounter staged to dupe the pair away from the 'real' thing.

So when in the end we have deep revelations about Roswell, and the alleged UFO at Hanoi, the narrator is unreliable and could be making up any part of what he reveals, and even the whole secret compound can be a hoax set up because it is something we would expect to discover, wanting to believe. It makes little sense why any of this should happen, but that's the series for you.

The notion is that the most convenient place to hide a lie is between truths, a statement which in our case can be both a lie and true.

Other than that, this is the most cinematic and evocative of the episodes so far.
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