A real snorefest
22 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
American spy John Manston (insipidly played by John McKay) goes to Moscow to find out about the Russian missile program. He discovers that the Russians have amassed the necessary data they need to make a nuclear weapon. Boy, does notorious schlockmeister Barry Mahon totally fumble the ball with this hopelessly dull clunker: The blatant use of grainy stock footage, lousy (far from) special effects, blah acting from a lame no-name cast, sluggish pace, the talky and uneventful script, a drippy narrator working mad overtime to keep the plodding and barely coherent narrative on course, infrequent and flatly staged action, cornball film library score, a crippling paucity of tension and momentum, static cinematography, and a complete fizzler of a would-be "shocking" climax all ensure that this dreadful stiff qualifies as an absolute grueling chore to endure. Only familiar character actor Art Metrano as a jolly truck driver manages to inject some much-needed life into this lethargic dud. A dismal yawner.
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