20 April 2013
Apart from the presence of the wonderful Jodie Foster, the first Nim's Island had a well written, original plot with genuine tension and excitement. This sequel is a tedious, predictable load of trite nonsense, with cardboard cut-out characters, an almost complete absence of acting and plastic animals. Okay, the animals are real, but the sets are not. The plot (such as it is) is constructed entirely as a vehicle for Bindi Irwin, which ignores the unfortunate fact that Bindi could not act her way out of a three-sided room if she tried (which she doesn't, noticeably). She recites her lines as if from an autocue and has two stock expressions - sulky and slightly less sulky. Her love interest (eek - her character and his are aged 14!) is a rather more accomplished actor than she is, but presumably he had to audition for the part, while she obviously didn't. Matthew Lillard, who plays her father, never got out of first gear, and nor did the awfully naughty bad guys - who predictably got what was coming to them in the end (including, naturally, piles of bird poo on their heads). It was an afternoon I'll never get back, but at least I was able to catch up surreptitiously on Facebook ...
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