9 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Here is a brief list of what I found to be some of the main flaws of this film.

1. First of all, I know it's been said in some of the other reviews before me but; the husband, Brice (Lance Gross) should have played the Harley character, the guy who Judith has the affair with and Harley (Robbie Jones) should have played the husband. I just did not find the guy playing Harley to be attractive at all so I could not get into this idea that a woman would go for him that easily. Point is, if you're going to make a movie about someone having an affair, at least make the "temptation" tempting!

2. My next problem with this film was that the characters were well developed but it took most of the film to get this done which ended up leaving about 30 minutes to really get the action going. Basically, Judith gets involved with this guy, starts doing drugs and leaves Brice all in the last minutes of the film. I agree with the development of characters in a story but we already know from the trailer that this is a movie about a woman cheating on her husband; just get to the point!

3. This next reasoning I have was sort of my fault; but I still have to say that I do not want to hear a Sunday morning service when I go to the movies. And I should have known from previous Tyler Perry's films and plays that he does put in a bit of his Christian beliefs into his work but this film was so over the top in that area that is was borderline offensive.

4. Finally, I just have to say that if you think giving someone a sexually transmitted disease at the end of every film you make is the best way to get your audience to connect with your characters/story, then you have so much to learn. This is not only insensitive but shows a lack of creativity and growth as a writer, director and producer.
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