Family Guy: Quagmire's Dad (2010)
Season 8, Episode 18
27 March 2013
The funniest episode ever in my opinion. To all these people bashing this episode, if you don't like it don't watch it. like someone else said IT'S A CARTOON! I'm so sick of all these groups complaining about how all these things are hatred, & bigotry, misunderstood minority, blah, blah, blah. This is an adult comedy that walks the line. always has been, always will be. The problem is people go so far with all of these "special groups" rights that they invade on others rights. There is a right to free speech. Just like pornography, nobody makes you watch it. If you don't like it or are offended, don't watch it. maybe some people are offended by transsexuals, maybe it against their religious beliefs. they have a right to their beliefs just like you do. They have no right to make people stop being transsexual & transsexuals have no right to make people stop making jokes about them. there are religious jokes, ethnic jokes, political jokes. the very thing that protects peoples rights to make episodes like this are the same rights that allow you to be a transsexual, people seem to forget that. there has been hatred for different religious groups & sexual orientation around for longer than this show. They crucified Jesus 2000 years ago because of his beliefs. But if transsexuals get beat up from now on, "you know who to blame" (family guy)? Please, get a grip. I'm certainly not saying it's right to discriminate against anyone, but to blame it on this 1 episode of a cartoon show is absolutely Preposterous. I watched it & i didn't suddenly get the urge to beat up a transsexual. if you want life & morality lessons in your TV show, watch re-runs of David & Goliath, not Family Guy.
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