Backstage (2005)
Oddball, enjoyable modern melodrama/psychodrama
15 March 2013
A teen-age fan of a Madonna-eque pop star ends up befriending the star, and before long all sorts of boundaries start getting crossed. Picture a dash of "All About Eve", a little "3 Women", and mix in some "Almost Famous" and you have some of the feel of this dark, but fun brew.

Terrific performances by the two protagonists – Emmanuelle Seigner as the singer, Islid Le Besco as her obsessed teen protégé drive the film, making scenes that could have seemed ridiculous ring oddly true, if strange.

Not everything works. Among other things the singer's music feels far too cute and generic to drive the kind of dark obsession we see. And some twists stretch credulity or reason at moments. But if Bergman had directed "About Famous" we might have gotten something a little like this heady mess of sexuality, loss of self, obsession, complex familial relationships being created and destroyed, loss of innocence, etc. etc.
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