Not a good film AT ALL. Poor depiction of a wonderful man!!
14 March 2013
This is the worst movie made about one of the best men of Hollywood. I knew Michael Landon personally and worked with him on the set of Highway To Heaven. This movie was obviously a money making venture. Michael Landon was always a loving father. He was a gracious and very kind man who would give you the shirt off of his back. Sure, he was divorced but he was also married for 20 years to the same woman and gave Michael Jr. more love and affection in those years than most kids will ever get from both parents combined. Michael was truly the most remarkable man I have ever known. His love for his family and his heart was one of PURE GOLD. He had faults, sure...but Jr. needs to take a close look at himself and be careful lest he falls as well. I DO NOT recommend this movie to anyone who is a fan of Michael Landon. Bad film all around.
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