Silly and goofy, but flawed Mexican haunted house comedy
11 March 2013
Gathered at a remote mansion to hear a family member's will-reading, a masked murderer tries to keep the surviving members from getting their inheritance and forcing an amateur sleuth to put an end to the rampage.

A Mexican horror-comedy, focusing mainly on the comedy but still with enough horror to really count when it matters, that spoofs the classic-style haunted house films, with secret passages, peeping portraits, and such that it feels really funny and goofy without the benefit of understanding the wordplay jokes. With lots of great physical jokes, including the knife-wielding hand emerging from a picture frame to continually swipe and miss at a clueless and oblivious passerby to time-outs for liquid refreshment during a stalking scene and constant bonks on the head, there's lots of good slapstick here that provides plenty to laugh at. While that ends up diluting the horror somewhat, the fact that it's still a worthwhile enough film does have it's positive points.

Today's Rating-Unrated/PG: Mild Violence.
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