11 March 2013
My copy of this film may have been so worn and old it may well have been discovered in a cave next to the Dead Sea Scrolls, but I enjoyed this freaky horror comedy, mainly down to the acting talents of the always great Dean Stockwell (and some nifty werewolf makeup).

Dean's a young press aide, self-exiled to Hungary after having an affair with the President's daughter. While there, he gets attacked and bitten by a werewolf, but as you would imagine he ignores the pleas of a gypsy woman and is recalled back to Washington to help out the President. It's not long before he's becoming as hirsute as Robin Williams and chomping down on various people.

It's more comedy than horror, this film, but it still has its moments. Stockwell hams up the werewolf angle, panting like a dog, chewing up his room. The guy playing the President was good too, and the whole piece is played rather broadly and ends on a pretty good gag. It all looks to have been made for about six dollars but I found it to be pretty entertaining stuff.
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