Road to Hell (2008)
Fascinating Movie Experience!
10 March 2013
I saw this film as part of a triple bill of films by B film legend Albert Pyun here in Chicago. It played after his director's cut of Cyborg and it was, frankly, an unexpected movie. I had presumed because of of Pyun's earlier films I had seen that it would be a violent and stylish exercise. But I was wrong, in a sense, because, while stylish and violent, it had great acting - rare in a Pyun film. And it had amazing photography and music. The story was one of those where you can't really figure out where its going. But once it gets there it has a strong emotional punch. Its really more an art film in the way it plays. Not anything like a regular multiplex movie. It has a very odd and at times, disorienting rhythm. Not mainstream in anyway. Its got its own agenda and does not compromise to be accepted by the audience. the Patio Theater's projection really made the film look amazing. I don't think I've ever seen such a gorgeous movie in an older theater. The sound was not great at times and dialogue was impossible to hear in spots. The sound was great when the songs were on but sometimes the dialogue could not be heard. But I enjoyed the film. A definite guilty pleasure made more memorable by the director being there in person. Pyun seems like such a nice guy that the three films were contrary to who he is. All three films (Cyborg directors cut, road to hell and nemesis) were very dark and violent, bordering on offensive at times, but Pyun was very pleasant and the opposite. He told interesting stories and funny stories about each. He was worth the price of admission. Back to Road to Hell, it was never boring and always fascinating but shocking and offensive at times. But it had great music and the picture was like pure art. Recommended for the more adventurous film-goer. Not for the timid or those wanting a mainstream movie. Highest compliment I can give it is it was DIFFERENT. It will for sure offend many and even create some real anger at it's treatment of women, but it does all lead to a point, so that should be worth something. A great evening at the movies for me!
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