Finally, the Worst Movie Ever
1 March 2013
We've all been searching for that one of a kind awful move that we can hold up to others as being the worst in every category. I thought Manos, Hands of Fate was the worst....until now. Gen Um is literally awful in every sense: Acting worse performance ever by Keanu who purposefully does not emote in the slightest, even once, and his co-stars are at least as bad; cinematography: worse than the worst...it was just "pretty bad" until Keanu finds a movie camera and the action switched over to Keanu's hand-held "found footage" style; sets = ZERO with absolutely no attempt to bring any theme or style into the frame, all sets are just slum apartments or 30 year old cars; costumes, same as sets. Anyway, I think I've made my point and I now nominate this film to sink below The Hottie and the Nottie as the worst film ever made.
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