Paintball (2009)
Disappointing slasher effort
14 January 2013
While undertaking a paint-ball game, a team of players finds itself under attack by a maniacal killer intent on turning the game into a bloodbath and must try to survive against the madman in order to leave the game alive.

What initially could've been a real drag-out effort instead turns into a really disappointing and barely worthwhile effort that contains only a few scant positives. One of the main problems here is the fact that the kills are some of the lamest ever devised for a horror film, which really hurts the killer here tremendously. Those kills either tend to be straight gunshots from extreme range or more traditional kills done through the killer's electronic visor, reducing them to a CG-style image that appears to be a mix between night-vision and infrared style with the tones and appearance used. This is an utterly irritating tactic that comes on during what should be the film's key moments when you want to be able to get the full effect, resulting in bloodless kills that are also impossible to make out. The twist with the killer is fairly novel but lacks a lot of class and doesn't really go anywhere with it, keeping a lot hidden and not exploring a potentially good idea to its fullest. The idea of a killer in a paintball tournament should've been a lot of fun without knowing who to trust or if the game should be called off which is where this one should've worked, but instead the concept of the organization being behind it all given to us here is just quite lame as for what they're after or the purpose of this one to set off the problems in here. There's some really enjoyable parts to this one which makes for an occasionally entertaining time, starting with the stalking at the end guided along by the helpful attendant which comes off a lot more tense and chilling here than expected during the forest segment with the preceding events fueling the paranoia, engaging in plenty of rather fun escape sequences and getting into the compound to add in the heat-vision tactics to great effect for once as the brawling is quite more active than expected and really putting out the creepiness of the corporation is fantastic as it brings about the great scene. Still, though, this really doesn't come close to matching the even-more impressive beginning as it really delivers a lot of really good paint- ball shoot-'em-up action to get things going as this gets right in the heat of the battle and their tactics come off incredibly well that showcases this all to great effect. As well, the later scenes of the group undergoing the strategies while aware of the killer after them is pretty enjoyable with some suitably realistic chaos and panic spread in. However, the flaws are just too present and overbearing for this one to really overcome.

Rated R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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