Who needs plots and sense when you can enjoy something like this
11 January 2013
Rarely does a film come along that will really blow me away. I don't necessarily always watch films to just experience a good story unfold. Hell, sometimes I don't even care if it has a beginning or an ending that makes sense. So long as it satisfies what I really love about movies. And that's the mood and atmosphere, a fitting soundtrack, the visuals and cinematography, cool filters and editing, strange and interesting characters, and the kind of dialogue that I would happily listen to on a loop to accompany dark electro ambient music.

If plots, answers and explanations are your thing, then best avoid this. Otherwise, welcome to something cool, exquisite and wonderfully weird. However, going in, I didn't quite know what to expect. Like most people, I read the synopsis and felt intrigued. I knew it would be interesting, just not How interesting for my tastes. I remember 30mins into the movie, I had to pause and read that synopsis again as I had too many questions I wanted answers to. I didn't quite find the answers I was looking for. Then towards the end, I had no idea what drove the main character to do some of the things he did. But I didn't bloody care. I was already sold from the opening credits anyway. I was thoroughly enjoying myself. I was in my movie-heaven- happy-place.

The music and sounds in this movie are also of considerable excellence that I just have to address. I haven't been so enthralled and enamored by a musical score since a select few films like Suspiria, Pi and Requiem for a Dream. In fact, the musical score is a substantial ingredient for these kind of films. But this, like the three other films mentioned, excel in every possible way.

Then you have the editing and overall visual look. As a photographer in real life, this film was akin to a wet dream of sorts. I was in cinematography wonderland. Almost every scene and shot is a remarkably structured picture in its own right. You can open a gallery exhibiting pictures from this movie alone and be sure of its success.

It's also a movie based in the '80's. And it certainly feels like that era. The dark retro vibe in this movie is omnipresent.

Then you have one of the strangest creepiest characters to have the pleasure of watching. Such... quaint charisma. A psycho or a troubled soul? Maybe both. Either way, it's an excellent performance.

It's films like this that really make me love the experience of cinema. This is what I look for when I don't concern myself with beginnings and endings and consistent plots. Movies, unlike books, have the power of treating us to visual treats, and this does the job splendidly. Although, I must point out that it was experienced on a large projector screen in HD quality with a booming sound system. I don't expect everyone will enjoy it in the same circumstances, which may very well diminish the overall experience - a fact that saddens me. But for anyone with access to those means or something similar, and taking into account that this is your type of movie, then prepare to be spellbound. However, it's really not for everyone.

As for me, I can't wait to watch it again.
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