A great film
10 January 2013
This is one of those movies where you get lost in the story. I have seen many many Japanese films. From love stories to dramas, to action flicks. I have seen just more films than most people have, yet this film will always have a place in my heart.

I was six years old when this film was released yet when i watched it tonight in 2013 i couldn't help but be astounded by it.

The characters in this film are all portrayed beautifully all the actors did a wonderful job to make this film believable. I have done my research and seen that that the film portrays a partial truth to how compensated dating was done at this time in japan.

A common theme in Japanese films is to show you a wonderful story of youth, and to say that life goes on once the story is told

I don't want to sound old, but now that i'm 21 I have a full time job and my youth seems like a far away place in memory. This is one of those films that makes you remember the time when you were young and lived just for the moment.

The film spans only 24 hours or so of the characters in real time. Showing them work till the break of dawn is heart breaking for me.

I wish more films were released like this.

Back to my main point though; out of all the Japanese films i have seen, this is one i can truly suggest to anyone.

This film show's the struggle women had to go through in the 90's in Japanese culture. The process of women being more than just objects took place during this time. This makes the film magical. In America it has always been so where women have been treated as equals. But in japan it is different.

This film portrays the struggle of women in this time.

Coming from a man, this is a must watch.
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