Superman returned...for this?
5 January 2013
I watched this movie in a theater while I was on vacation in Spain when it came out. I only paid 2 euros (more or less 3 dollars at the time), but I still felt I was ripped off.

Given the upcoming "reboot", and as I memory is getting worse and worse with time, I gave it another try on TV last night. It was worse than I remembered.

Here's a short list of the most severe shortcomings of this work. 1) A severe lack of action sequences. The director (Bryan Singer) was so focused on the "human" side and family issues of the protagonist that he forgot that a Superman movie is a superhero movie, that is, a movie full of action sequences. There is only one fast-paced scene. Definitely not enough. 2) A severely mistaken casting. Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane must be one of the least likable character ever seen. Her wooden performance and ever perfect hair and make-up provide no opportunity to relate to her story of a (supposedly) torn mother and wife. Let's not speak about her son. If talented kids in Hollywood have a hard time growing up (see Daniel Radcliffe, Drew Barrymore etc.) this boy is more than safe. 3) A severely wrong script. This may be related to shortcoming #1, but I cannot repeat it often enough. This is a superhero movie. Nobody called for an overlong and uninteresting family story that would be considered rather scant even for an afternoon on the Lifetime channel, let alone in what is meant to be an action packed blockbuster.

Action hero movie fans, please steer away from this like it's kryptonite. If I think that Bryan Singer got out of the X-Men 3 project (eventually disfigured by the inept hands of Brett Ratner)...everybody lost a good chance to do good.

Better best avoided.
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