Making the film changed my life
4 January 2013
I was in the movie. I'm Rob Campbell, AKA "Doc",the bipolar, recovering alcoholic and drug addict with ADHD profiled in the film. Amazon.com has me listed as a brain surgeon, but actually I was a heart, lung and vascular surgeon. I'm now a senior psychiatry resident at the University of Louisville,at the age of 60. Making the movie greatly molded my decision to change specialties. My patients who have seen the film,(they frequently show this film to inpatient psychiatry patients,at least around Louisville),love the fact that I'm "one of them". The film has also been shown to medical and nursing students, social workers and psych nurses here in town. Most of the people I've talked to loved the film, although a few, with a stick up their you know whats, thought it was "too humorous a film at times for such a serious subject as mental illness". While shooting, everybody profiled in the film laughed at times about their illnesses and some of the crazy things they had done. You need a sense of humor to really cope with this disease. Glad people got so much out of the film. Thanks for watching. "Doc"
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