Interesting low-budget 70's sci-fi oddity
27 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A group of people suffering from amnesia find themselves as slaves in a savage Old West town that's really a virtual reality program designed to test how ruthless they all are. To get ahead in Blood City, one has to kill others. However, willful and sarcastic new arrival Lewis (a fine and likable performance by Kier Dullea) refuses to adhere to the rules. Director Peter Sasdy, working from an offbeat and intriguing script by Michael Winder and Stephen Schneck, relates the compelling story at a steady pace, presents a chilling portrait of a harsh world where random violence and brutality reigns supreme, and stages the shoot-outs with real flair. The sound acting by the able cast keeps the picture buzzing: Jack Palance has a villainous ball as fearsome local lawman Freedlander, Samanthan Eggar likewise does well as sultry and manipulative scientist Katherine, plus there are sturdy contributions from Hollis McLaren as the sweet and fetching Martine, Barry Morse as the stern project supervisor, Chris Wiggins as the vile Gellor, Henry Ramer as amiable bodyguard Chumley, Allan Royal as the pragmatic Peter, and John Evans as nerdy technician Lyle. Moreover, the nifty premise predates "The Matrix" with its concept of a computer-generated alternate reality, there's a genuine weirdness to the film that makes it engrossing throughout, and the filmmakers leave a good deal of the plot for the viewers to figure out on their own (for example, we never find out who exactly is behind the virtual reality program). Roy Budd's strong dramatic score rates as another major asset. Worth a watch.
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