Review of Robotech

Robotech (1985)
Robotech and why this series was so good.
19 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
To understand the impact of Robotech, one needs to understand the landscape of not just afternoon TV programming at the time, but TV programming in general in the early to mid 1980s.

Up until this time two general rules held true. First, "cartoon" series were generally 30 minute complete shows. Their plot began, developed, and ended in 30 minutes. You could watch any episode, in any order, and not feel like you didn't know what was going on. Second, people didn't die. Tune into any of the shows from the era, Knight Rider, A-Team, Airwolf, Magnum PI, The Dukes of Hazard... They all showed that you could jump and wreck cars, blow up buildings, lay down thousands of rounds of ammunition, and nobody...not even the extras...died or were injured.

So when Robotech came onto the scene and we saw that Zentradi gunned down by Fokker with a gaping, smoking hole in his back (this would later be edited out in re-runs), it was new...shocking...but real. Robotech, as a show, actually dealt with real topics more so than did many "live action" shows of it's era.

As a work, the animation was jerky even by contemporary standards and rough by animie standards today. Yes, many of the plot points were cheesy and immature. Yes, you will find yourself choosing between the original Japanese works or the Americanized Robotech conglomeration. But regardless, keep in mind that this was a very revolutionary idea for TV programming in general...never mind the fact that it was being billed, marketed, and distributed as a "kids cartoon".

Now for me, I have watched both the U.S. and Japanese versions of the shows. Yes, the Japanese version is not afraid to show the violence. However, I believe the story telling is better in Robotech because it spans the three generations. Personal opinion though.

If you like Animie and are interested in TV culture, Robotech definitely needs to be on your watch list. Comparing it to contemporary animie though is unfair. It was good in it's day...for many reasons...and can still be enjoyed today for what it is.
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